ASU strives for growth, quality

<p>As ASU moves down the path of becoming the New American University, members of the national media are taking notice.</p><separator></separator><p>President Michael Crow and the progress of the university have been profiled in an article by Justin Pope of the Associated Press. The nationally syndicated article, appeared in newspapers around the world, including the <em>USA Today, International Herald Tribune (France)</em>, <em>Pittsburgh Post Gazette, San Diego Union Tribune and the Arizona Daily Star.</em></p><separator></separator><p>“In an age of online learning and complex, multi-campus systems, defining a single university can be tricky. But for many, the definition would be a non-profit institution, offering a full range of degrees, that&#39;s more or less in the same place. ASU will almost certainly become the country&#39;s largest university by that standard, probably by a margin of tens of thousands of students,” writes Pope.</p><separator></separator><p>“If colleges were countries, most would resemble the developed nations of the West — stable, working to improve but changing only gradually and growing slowly, if at all. Arizona State would be China. Its campuses are giant construction sites. New schools and programs spring up nearly every week. Hundreds of faculty are being hired, thousands of dorm rooms are being built. Students here never run out of choices,” Pope continues.</p><separator></separator><p>Read the full Associated Press article by Justin Pope as printed in the:</p><separator></separator><p> <em>USA Today</em>, click <a href="…; (not available for mobile devices)</p><separator></separator><p><em></em>, click <a href="">h… </a></p><separator></separator><p><em>International Herald Tribune (France)</em>, click <a href="… Post Gazette, </em>click <a href="">here</a></p><separ… Diego Union Tribune,</em> click<a href="…; here</a></p><separator></separator><p><em>Arizona Daily Star, </em>click <a href="">here </a></p>