ASU second in chemical engineering federal funding

<p>Arizona State University secured the second largest amount of federal funding for chemical engineering in fiscal year 2006, according to the National Science Foundation (NSF). <br />  <br /> Only the Massachusetts Institute of Technology earned more federal funding for chemical engineering than ASU in FY06, the most recent year for which data are available, according to the NSF. <br />  <br /> MIT was awarded $13.2 million and ASU was awarded $8.9 million. Penn State, Johns Hopkins and the University of Michigan rounded out the top five in chemical engineering federal funding. <br />  <br /> This was the second year in a row in which ASU came in second in federal funding of chemical engineering research and development.<br />  <br /> ASU ranked sixth in overall spending on chemical engineering R&amp;D (federal, state and private funding combined) with a total of $12.7 million in FY06. MIT was at the top that list with a total of $18.9 million. North Carolina State, Penn State, Georgia Tech and the University of Texas-Austin, filled spots two through five.<br />  <br /> Arizona State’s total research expenditures for FY06 were $203.5 million. For its most recent year, FY08, ASU research expenditures were nearly $238 million.</p>