ASU reduces energy consumption universitywide
As the spring semester moves toward its conclusion, it is time to remind the university community of ASU’s energy consumption policy. President Crow’s Jan. 15, 2009 memorandum on this topic can be found here.
The rationales cited for this initiative remain important and applicable: 1) the need to reduce the use and cost of electricity; 2) the aging electrical infrastructure in some university buildings that easily can become overwhelmed by the many electric devices in use on the campus today; and 3) the need for a collaborative approach to advance the university’s sustainability goals.
Since implementation of the Jan. 15 memo, some changes have been made and some clarification is necessary.
First, the summertime temperature set point has been reduced to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, while the winter set point has been increased to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. It is the goal of the university that these temperatures improve comfort levels for the community while still saving energy and reducing costs.
Second, there has been some uncertainty expressed about the use of personal appliances in workspaces. To clarify, appliances such as refrigerators, coffee makers, microwave ovens, hot plates, fans and heaters should not be used in individual offices and workstations, unless there is a special medical need, or these amenities are not available in departmental or building common areas such as break rooms and kitchenette spaces. ASU’s ADA Coordination Office is available to assist with addressing special medical situations.
In addition, please remember to observe the practices below:
• Turn off lights in work areas when they are unoccupied.
• Continue to use only the lighting necessary in work areas.
• Turn off computers or set them to sleep mode when not in use.
• Keep exterior building doors closed when HVAC systems are operating.
The impact of this policy has been positive and noticeable since its implementation, due to the good efforts of the ASU community. Thank you in advance for your efforts in helping the university to become more sustainable and to manage its energy costs during these challenging economic times.
Should you have any questions or suggestions, please e-mail them to Dave Brixen, associate vice president ofFacilities Development and Management.