ASU ranked among elite 100 world universities in new listing

73rd overall, 46th in the United States

The Center for World University Rankings released its list of the top elite world universities for 2013 and Arizona State University ranks among the top 100 in the world.

ASU was the top ranked Arizona university at 73rd overall, and 46th among U.S. universities.

Of particular note, Arizona State University ranked as follows:

• Patents: 20th

• Quality of Faculty: 73rd

• Citations (strength of faculty research): 89th

This new ranking for ASU follows last year's top 100 recognition on the Academic Rankings of World Universities, in which the university placed 79th.

The Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) publishes the only global university performance tables that measure the quality of education and training of students, as well as the prestige of the faculty and the quality of their research, without relying on surveys and university data submissions.

CWUR uses seven objectives and indicators to rank the world's top 100 universities:

• quality of faculty members, measured by the number of academics who have won major international awards, prizes and medals

• publications, measured by the number of research papers appearing in reputable international journals

• influence, measured by the number of research papers appearing in highly influential journals

• citations, measured by the number of highly-cited research papers

• patents, measured by the number of international patent filings

• alumni employment, measured by the number of a university's alumni who currently hold CEO positions at the world's top 2,000 public companies relative to the university's size

• quality of education, measured by the number of a university's alumni who have won major international awards, prizes and medals relative to the university's size

Data was obtained for more than 16,000 universities from all over the world. The top 100 universities in each of the seven indicators were ranked and, out of those, the best 100 performing institutions overall were published on

“Our ranking among the world’s best universities is a testament to our outstanding faculty,” said ASU President Michael M. Crow. “They are working to solve many of society’s most complex challenges through their research while instilling in our students a love of learning and a problem-solving mindset that makes them capable of meeting any challenge in life and in the workforce.”

The top 10 universities ranked are: Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Columbia, Berkeley, Princeton, Chicago and Yale.

The CWUR World University Rankings 2013 includes institutions from 19 countries. The distribution of the top 100 institutions among countries is as follows: USA (57), England (6), Japan (6), France (5), Canada (4), Israel (4), Switzerland (4), Australia (2), Germany (2), Denmark (1), Finland (1), Italy (1), Netherlands (1), Norway (1), Russia (1), Scotland (1), Singapore (1), South Korea (1), and Sweden (1).

In addition to providing consultation for governments and universities, the Center for World University Rankings aims to provide the most comprehensive university rankings available, which are trusted by students, academics, university administrators and government officials from around the world.

The complete list of the world's top 100 universities and a preprint describing the methodology can be found at the CWUR website: