ASU professors to head up summer humanities seminar in London

Sixteen applicants for the National Endowment for the Humanities 2012 Summer Seminar for College and University Teachers “Health and Disease in the Middle Ages” were recently honored by being selected for this prestigious five-week program.

ASU professor Monica Green and assistant professor Rachel Scott will lead them in an interdisciplinary seminar to be held June 24-July 28, in London, England. Assisting them will be three distinguished scholars of medieval medicine: Ann Carmichael, Indiana University; Luke Demaitre, University of Virginia; and Florence Eliza Glaze, Coastal Carolina University. The seminar is supported by the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Arizona State University, in which the seminar’s co-directors are affiliated faculty.

The program will be based at the Wellcome Library, the world’s premier research center for medical history. Participants will visit the Museum of London and the Chelsea Physic Garden, as well as the Roman bath complex in the city of Bath, in order to study physical artifacts and material remains related to medieval health and the treatments of disease.

The sixteen participants, including two advanced graduate students, were selected out of a diverse national pool of applicants from a variety of disciplines whose contributions to the scholarship of medicine, health, and disease in the Middle Ages hold much promise.

To learn more about each of the participants, visit: