ASU president approves sexual violence task force recommendations
Arizona State University will enhance its efforts to combat sexual violence through increased education and prevention measures under recommendations developed by a special task force that were approved Nov. 21 by President Michael Crow.
The recommendations developed by the Sexual Violence Prevention Task Force also include providing additional support services for victims of sexual misconduct; building on existing partnerships with key organizations and agencies working to combat sexual violence; and establishing new alliances.
“Sexual violence is a national problem that the ASU community has long been committed to combating through policies and procedures designed to create a culture of respect,” Crow said. “The recommendations from the task force will strengthen that commitment as we strive to eradicate sexual violence, harassment, exploitation and intimidation.”
Crow named the task force earlier this semester. He thanked the task force members for their work on the issue, particularly co-chairs Marlene Tromp, vice president and dean of the New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, and Jennifer Hightower, deputy vice president of Educational Outreach and Student Services.
The recommendations, several of which have been implemented during the course of the task force’s deliberations, are:
• Appoint a senior-level university administrator who is responsible for organizing and coordinating efforts on behalf of the institution with stakeholders who are engaged in work focused on sexual violence awareness, education and support.
• Declare that issues of personal well-being, including issues of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking, are institutional priorities by granting academic credit for prevention and education classes and developing a peer advocate network for students who have experienced sexual violence.
• Involve the campus community in violence prevention and awareness through efforts such as the Sun Devil Movement for Violence Prevention and bystander education.
• Develop and execute a comprehensive plan for mandatory education for students, faculty and staff on issues of sexual violence, including mandatory training for all ASU students on sexual violence awareness, prevention, intervention and support.
• Increase opportunities for students, faculty and staff to create a safer campus community through active intervention, such as outreach events and bystander intervention training.
• Increase communication to new students and parents about issues of sexual violence as related to alcohol and drugs.
• Establish a working group dedicated to the development and administration of the assessment of violence prevention efforts and the overall campus culture as related to issues of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking.
• Annually review and update polices related to sexual assault and sexual misconduct.
• Improve communication to students, faculty and staff regarding processes of reporting.
• Enhance current print and online resources for students, faculty and staff who experience sexual violence.
• Provide a variety of training opportunities for those that might be called to support victims of sexual violence.