ASU Polytechnic joins Partners in Progress

Arizona State University’s Polytechnic campus has engaged with Chandler-Gilbert Community College (CGCC), the Gilbert Chamber of Commerce, and the Town of Gilbert in Partners in Progress, a program that strives to create jobs, support local business needs and attract new businesses to the East Valley.

Partners in Progress was formed last spring to connect industry leaders, town officials and education partners to build a network of local resources that businesses can tap into to help with expansion and retention.

William Nganje, associate professor at ASU’s Morrison School of Agribusiness and Resource Management, and CGCC faculty spearheaded the program by creating an in-depth business retention survey and database for compiling the results. CGCC students have been working with the Gilbert Chamber of Commerce to administer the surveys to local businesses throughout the year. A database of the survey results will provide industry leaders with insight into what resources are currently available to growing businesses along with a searchable list of local service providers and commodities.

“The survey will reveal trends in the Gilbert business community that will continue to shape the goals and focus of the Partners in Progress program,” said Nganje. “In addition to finding out what services are already in place for starting and growing a business in Gilbert, the survey will point us to the voids and challenges that local businesses face. The Partners in Progress program can then respond to the needs of new business owners and attract new companies.”

The survey results and database will be available to businesses later this year.

“Industry, academia and the government sector will all benefit from this collaboration,” said Mitzi Montoya, vice provost and dean of ASU’s College of Technology and Innovation. “Through Partners in Progress, ASU Polytechnic can continue to become a research and testing resource for industry while also creating opportunities for our students and faculty. Together, we can continue to move the needle on economic growth for our local community.”

For more information about Partners in Progress, please visit