ASU Polytechnic campus breaks ground on Sun Devil Fitness Complex

Students, faculty and the community joined ASU President Michael Crow at the Polytechnic campus to celebrate the groundbreaking of the new Sun Devil Fitness Complex. The 60,000-square-foot facility is scheduled to open in January 2013 and will house weights and fitness areas, gyms for group fitness classes, three basketball courts, a swimming pool, locker rooms, bike co-op, and the campus health and wellness center.

The Sun Devil Fitness Complex is funded by a student government-endorsed facility fee and is one of three major construction projects in progress at the Polytechnic campus. A new freshman residence hall and a 20,000-square-foot dining facility are due to open at the beginning of the Fall 2012 semester.

“The ASU student leaders decided that students in all of our colleges should have access to the same quality and level of programs, facilities and educational experiences,” said Crow. “The expansion at Polytechnic and the new fitness complex is a fantastic maturation of our overall university model – One University in Many Places.”

Students on the Polytechnic campus have played a significant role in the design of the facility, creating a space that not only promotes health and wellness, but also fosters a greater sense of community. This hands-on approach is representative of the project-based learning approach that students at Polytechnic experience inside the classroom.

“The new facility is more than just another student rec center – it’s also a learning lab,” said Mitzi Montoya, vice provost and dean of ASU’s College of Technology and Innovation. “Students were involved with the initial design and will continue to play a critical role in managing and implementing the programs housed there, learning critical skills beyond the classroom and participating in a complete and well-rounded campus experience.”

The project architect is Architekton + 360 Architecture; Sun Devil Fitness Complex is targeting LEED Silver certification.