ASU offers sports broadcasting camp for high school students

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High school students from across the country who are interested in sports broadcasting can cover professional teams and learn from top journalists through a new summer camp at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University.

Cronkite Sports Broadcast Boot Camp exposes high school-age students to the growing field of sports journalism at one of the nation’s top journalism schools. This on-campus residential experience runs this summer from July 20 to Aug. 1, and includes field trips during which students will cover the Arizona Diamondbacks, the Arizona Cardinals and the Phoenix Mercury. Registration is currently open here. Space is limited.

The camp includes partnerships with FOX Sports Arizona and the Arizona Cardinals that provide mentorship and support to students throughout the camp.

“Our long-standing partnership with ASU’s Cronkite School helps with our goal of supporting education and Arizona’s youth,” said Brian Hogan, FOX Sports Arizona senior vice president and general manager. “This new program will give high school students a tremendous introduction to the sports broadcast profession, and we are proud to be involved.”

The camp includes high-impact sessions exposing students to play-by-play and sideline reporting, as well as program hosting and studio production. Students will also produce segments and full sports programs in Cronkite’s state-of-the-art television studios using the same equipment and editing software used by professional broadcasters.

“Sports broadcasting is in high demand at media outlets all over the country,” said Cronkite assistant dean, Mark Lodato, who leads the school’s sports journalism program. “This camp is perfect for any high school student considering studying sports broadcasting in college. It offers them the rare chance to cover professional sports teams in the nation’s sixth-largest city.”

Students will be housed just steps away from the Cronkite School at the Taylor Place residence hall on ASU’s Downtown Phoenix campus. Tuition includes housing, meals and transportation during camp, as well as access to broadcast equipment, field trips and professional instruction. No prior experience is required to participate.

The Cronkite School is home to a new sports journalism program that offers ASU students unmatched access to sports media classes and dozens of professional experiences. The program features a full-immersion sports bureau in Southern California, where ASU students get real-world reporting experience. Students regularly cover Major League Baseball’s Cactus League spring training for national media outlets, and this fall, students will cover news and events leading up to Super Bowl XLIX.