ASU law professor's zombie article mentioned in Jotwell law journal

Professor Adam Chodorow’s article, “Death and Taxes and Zombies,” was recently reviewed by Alyssa DiRusso for Jotwell law journal.
The article, which explores the hypothetical legal ramifications of a zombie apocalypse, was originally written for and published by the Iowa Law Review in May 2012.
“The article leads the reader through a series of ordinary tax and legal scenarios and applies them to extraordinary circumstances,” DiRusso writes. “How do states address the question of what it means to be legally dead?”
“The U.S. stands on the brink of financial disaster, and Congress has done nothing but bicker,” Chodorow writes. “Of course, I refer to the coming day when the undead walk the earth, feasting on the living.”
To read the essay, click here.
To read Chodorow’s article, click here.
Chodorow’s research and teaching interests lie in tax, administrative and regulatory law. He teaches a variety of tax courses, as well as Law and the Regulatory State. His research focuses on religious taxation and a variety of contemporary tax issues, such as the taxability of virtual income.