ASU grad finds strength in 'ordinary magic'

Cori Hartt at New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences convocation

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“Ordinary magic” – it’s an idea that ASU New College 2015 graduate Cori Hartt is passionate about.

University of Minnesota professor Ann Masten’s concept of “ordinary magic” holds that resilience is an ordinary trait, not one reserved for a select few. 

Hartt’s entire life – including her time at ASU – has been a sustained performance of ordinary magic. 

Graduating with a 3.9 GPA and earning her bachelor’s in communication from the New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, Hartt – also a student in Barrett, The Honors College – has battled through several health hardships in her life to become the graduate she is today.

Hartt called her professors from New College as “guiding lights” during this journey, saying, “I was able to build strong relationships with my professors … my teachers have also been mentors to me. I’ve been fortunate to be able to go to them for advice during my time at ASU.”

Even while working full-time and going to school full-time, Hartt still found time to shadow a psychologist at a local school that focused on students with learning disabilities and behavioral problems, an experience that has helped mold her future aspirations. 

“I really loved being an advocate for those young students. I loved giving them the extra attention they need. To be an additional resource for them and act as an advocate is something I’m really passionate about,” Hartt said.

Experiences like these are what help drive Hartt to her next venture in life, pursuing a graduate degree from ASU’s New College in psychology. She is studying for the GRE and plans to begin graduate school within the next year. Ultimately, she would like to earn her doctorate. 

Though the road will not be easy, Hartt is empowered by ordinary magic, using it as fuel to help achieve her dreams.

“Life is going to be hard, and we’re going to need to be strong, but we have the ability to be resilient in an everyday kind of way,” she said.

Written by Dave Hunt