ASU engineering doctorate programs rated highly
Three programs in the Arizona State University’s Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering rated highly in a report by the National Research Council that assesses the quality of doctorate programs in the United States.
The National Research Council is a part of the National Academy of Sciences.
Among the most highly rated engineering doctoral programs in the council’s report are the electrical engineering, civil and environmental engineering, and material science and engineering programs at ASU.
The ratings put the programs on par with doctorate programs at peer institutions such as Carnegie Mellon, Ohio State University, Johns Hopkins, the University of South California, Cornell, Duke and the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Maria Allison, ASU vice provost and dean of the Graduate College, said the quality of the university’s doctoral programs is due in large part to the number of faculty who are exceptional both as researchers and teachers, as well as dedicated student mentors.
She points in particular to Terry Alford, a professor in the School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy and a recent winner of ASU’s Outstanding Doctoral Mentor Award.
Read the full story about the report and the ratings of ASU’s doctoral programs.