ASU consortium ranks among world's think tanks

CSPO moves up 5 spots in latest ranking
The Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes (CSPO) at Arizona State University is ranked fourth internationally among science and technology think tanks – and first among university-based think tanks – according to the Global Go-To Think Tanks Report. In 2010, the report had placed CSPO ninth.
“The attention to science and technology think tanks in these rankings shows just how important the field has become,” said Daniel Sarewitz, co-director of the consortium.
Based both in Tempe, Ariz. and Washington, D.C., the consortium is dedicated to understanding the linkages between science and technology and its effects on society, and to developing knowledge and tools that can more effectively connect progress in science and technology to progress toward desired societal outcomes.
The consortium contributes to policy discussions and decisions around such issues as nanotechnology, climate change, energy technology, and the need for socially responsible innovation. Its core commitment is to generating useable knowledge for real-world decision-making.
“Success in reputable rankings like these is a real tribute to the talent, energy and diversity of our faculty, students and staff,” said David Guston, co-director. “This position is based on a foundation of generous support – intellectually and otherwise – from ASU.”
Conducted by the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program at the International Relations Program, University of Pennsylvania, the Global Go-To Think Tank Report is the first comprehensive ranking of the world’s top think tanks. The list is based on a worldwide survey through the help of scholars, public-policy experts, peers and journalists. The rankings are split into several different categories, ranging from region to size to expertise.
For more information on CSPO, visit For more on the Global Go-To Think Tank Report, visit