ASU Art Museum presents 'Night Moves'

<p>As part of <st1:placename w:st="on">ASU</st1:placename> <st1:placetype w:st="on">Art Museum</st1:placetype>’s Night Series, &quot;Night Moves,&quot; ASU department of dance students will be performing inside the museum in both the lower level South Gallery and the second floor <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Americas</st1:place></st1:country-region> Gallery. </p><separator></separator><p>Beginning the evening at 7 p.m., dancer Yeong Wen Lee is hosting a short workshop on <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:placename w:st="on">Galvin</st1:placename> <st1:placetype w:st="on">Plaza</st1:placetype></st1:place> in the Nelson Fine Arts Center, located just outside the Museum. The 10-15 minute workshop will explore spaces and the body, and relate to the group’s performance, titled “Bodily Presence.” Afterward, the audience is free to peruse the Museum and will encounter dancers performing their piece in either of the two galleries. All of the Museum’s galleries will be open to the public for viewing. </p><separator></separator><p>Night Series is an ongoing collaboration between <st1:placename w:st="on">ASU</st1:placename> <st1:placetype w:st="on">Art Museum</st1:placetype> and the other departments in the university’s <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:placename w:st="on">Herberger</st1:placename> <st1:placetype w:st="on">College</st1:placetype></st1:place> of the Arts, specifically, dance, theatre and film, and music. &quot;Night Moves&quot; combines the efforts of the department of dance with the museum, coordinated in response to current exhibitions.</p><separator></separator><p>Additionally, there will be a performance in the entrance area of the museum by <st1:personname w:st="on">Jesse Meeker</st1:personname> and the Human Mirror Project. The performance, titled &quot;Structure,&quot; is a multi-media examination of humans and technology, expressed through the abstract sound and visuals of multiple video projections and live music. This show takes place in the middle level of the stairwell that leads to the Museum entry doors. Meeker is a graduating senior at the college; this will be his final performance as a student at ASU. His next project is an upcoming tour and feature film shoot taking place throughout <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:country-region w:st="on">India</st1:country-region></st1:place>.</p>