On the 12th day of giving, help feed the hungry

As Arizona State University gears up to win the Kraft Fight Hunger Bowl, Dec. 29, in San Francisco, the university is taking the opportunity to offer suggestions for 12 Days of Giving in order to make a big difference this season and celebrate the university’s outreach role in the community.
Day 12
Enlist your football team to feed the hungry.
ASU football players aren’t just focusing on the game in San Francisco when they play in the Kraft Fight Hunger Bowl, Dec. 29. They’ll also be spending part of Christmas day feeding those in need from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (Pacific time) at the Glide Memorial Church and Kitchen, 330 Ellis Street, San Francisco.
Additionally, Arizona State University and Sun Devil Athletics are holding a cross-campus food drive as part of the Kraft Fight Hunger Bowl, held on Dec. 29 at AT&T Park in San Francisco.
"Playing in the Kraft Fight Hunger Bowl is a great opportunity for our football program," says Steve Patterson, vice president of Sun Devil Athletics. "However, it also offers us an ideal chance to give back to the community, especially during the holidays when no one should be without food."
There will be locations for food drop off at men's basketball games and at the Carson Student-Athlete Center, as well as Old Main and the Memorial Union on the Tempe campus.
"As a prominent part of the Phoenix community, it is important for ASU to use its resources to help those in need," says Rick Shangraw, CEO of the ASU Foundation for a New American University. "We hope that students, faculty, alumni and fans, among others, will show their support for a great cause."
Tickets for the Kraft Fight Hunger Bowl are on sale at sundeviltickets.com or by phone at 480-727-000. Sparky's Touchdown Tailgate, the official ASU pregame party, will be held at Pedro's Cantina from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Dec. 29, while the official Kraft Fight Hunger Bowl pep rally is set for 11 a.m., Dec. 28, in Union Square.
Christine K. Wilkinson, president of the ASU Alumni Association and senior vice president and secretary of the university, said the drive is a wonderful opportunity for ASU fans to balance the excitement of the bowl game with the generous giving for which the university community is known. She noted the ASU Alumni Association leadership held its own food drive in support of the initiative.
"Sun Devil spirit goes beyond cheering for the maroon and gold as they take to the gridiron," Wilkinson said. "The food drive is an opportunity for the ASU family to demonstrate its passion for stepping up to meet a community need.
"This food drive serves as yet another example of ASU's commitment to social engagement and playing a vital role in leveraging place. The university is proud to partner with United Way to combat chronic hunger for 82,000 households in Maricopa County, and champion ending hunger across our state."