‘Capitol Times’ explores ‘In honor of O’Connor’

The Arizona Capitol Times recently published a feature about all the things named for retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, including the College of Law, and remarked about the lesser recognition of the late Justice William Rehnquist, who also has ties to Arizona. 

In the Dec. 12 article, “In honor of O’Connor: When recognizing AZ’s two former justices, Rehnquist often odd man out,” reporter Bill Coates notes that a courthouse, the law school, two high schools and a “Medal of Honor” bear O’Connor’s name, and her picture is now on a light-rail platform. Rehnquist has a law program named for him. 

The reason, according to Professor Paul Bender of the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law, is because O’Connor is a “first.” 

“She was the first woman on the Supreme Court, and I think that makes her like Thurgood Marshall, like Barack Obama – a major figure in a transition from an all-white male government,” Bender states in the article. 

Professor Jonathan Rose also is quoted, saying “We’re very happy to be called the Sandra Day O’Connor law school.”

Judy Nichols, Judith.Nichols@asu.edu
(480) 727-7895
Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law