Alumni spotlight: Amanda Straus

Amanda Straus graduating with her Doctor of Behavioral Health.

Amanda Straus graduating with her Doctor of Behavioral Health.


Amanda Straus is an accomplished Triple Devil, earning three degrees from the College of Health Solutions. From a Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences to a Master of Science in Science of Health Care Delivery — now called Health Care Administration and Policy — to a Doctor of Behavioral Health in Behavioral Health (Management), Straus now puts her knowledge into practice as a Senior Program Manager for the college that prepared her for success.

She describes her current role as challenging, engaging and rewarding, applying her studies to her research with Arizona veterans and military installations.

Where has your journey with the College of Health Solutions taken you?

My journey with the College of Health Solutions has taken me through three degrees and my first couple of jobs. The College of Health Solutions has given me a place to grow in the early stages of my career with a platform to explore what I want to do. I have received multiple promotions that enhanced my skills and have been recognized for my desire to take on new challenges.

What drew you to the College of Health Solutions?

Initially, I wanted to be at the College of Health Solutions to help work towards my goal of becoming an M.D. However, my time at the College of Health Solutions showed me that I was interested in a different path within the healthcare field. With time, my courses switched to focus on the administrative side which I quickly learned was a better fit. During my M.S. [in Health Care Administration and Policy], I attained a role as a student worker on a grant-based project also within the college. This role allowed me to focus on the well-being of service members and veterans, which invigorated my interest in research into populations experiencing inequities in social determinants of health. Now, I work on that team as a Senior Program Manager and have learned so much about the processes that go into identifying past and present experiences and their impact, developing upstream prevention measures and other ways to enhance the health and well-being of populations.

What motivated you to pursue multiple degrees at the College of Health Solutions?

As I was nearing the early completion of my Bachelor’s in Health Sciences, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. To help gain more education about health care administration, I decided to pursue my M.S. That was such a short program at only nine months, but it showed me that I wasn’t done and wanted to learn more about the field, so I began applying for health-related doctorate programs. Once I was admitted into the Doctor of Behavioral Health Program everything fell into place. The program felt like an extension of my M.S. with even more hands-on experience and provided the opportunity to do another internship.

What is the impact of your current work?

In my current role, I am part of the team that develops and disseminates the biennial Arizona Veteran Survey that garners thousands of responses. We use those responses to evaluate the experiences of service members, veterans, their families and community helpers. This information is then used to make recommendations and programs to help address needs within these populations. Additionally, I work on a team that helps identify successes and areas for improvement with select military installations. My work focuses on identifying and reducing disparities with a priority on promoting resilience and reducing suicidality.

What is the best advice, professionally or otherwise, you ever received and continue to carry with you?

The best advice would probably be to do what you want. Don’t get caught up in what you think a title, job or other element will bring you. If you focus on your interests, everything else will eventually work out, and you’ll be able to enjoy what you do.

What are some of your hobbies and interests outside of work?

Outside of work, I like to spend time with my family, friends and dogs. I also enjoy solving puzzles and painting. I am interested in continuing to learn, so I spend a lot of time reading and participating in courses and programs that will help enhance my skills.