Workshop for university administrators, managers
The ASU Office of General Counsel will present its annual Law for the University Administrator Workshop (LUAW) from 8 a.m. to 12 noon, Oct. 13-15, in the Memorial Union, Ventana Room on the Tempe campus.
The primary purpose of LUAW is to bring together university administrators and managers with university counsels in order to provide accurate information and advice on current legal issues.
This year’s topic, “Responsibilities and Obligations of Administrators, Faculty and Staff at a Public University” will be presented by the featured speaker Kimberly Demarchi, a partner with the Phoenix office of the law firm of Lewis and Roca. Following the main presentation, Demarchi will be joined in a panel discussion by Nancy Tribbensee, senior vice president and general counsel to the Arizona University System, and Daniel Bergin, deputy director of the Arizona Department of Gaming. The panel will discuss how university administrators and managers can effectively manage within the web of public laws affecting public university employees including political activities, conflicts of interest, ethics, and gifts and gratuities.
OGC attorneys will also present other topics including: the revised regulations for the ADA on employees, students, and construction, recent case developments impacting higher education, how to draft a contract, contracting basics, procurement, and common conflicts and ethics issues involving ASU employees.
We encourage you to join us and learn more about legal issues that play a significant role in your administrative and supervisory duties. Registration information is available online.