Women's golf signs top European amateurs

Arizona State head women’s golf coach Melissa Luellen announced today that both Noemi Jimenez of Malaga, Spain, and Emilie Alonso of Roquefort-les-Pins, France, have signed letters of intent to study and play golf for the Sun Devils.

Ranked 17th in the Ladies European Amateur Rankings, Jimenez hails from the same region of Spain as former Sun Devil and LPGA rookie of the year Azahara Munoz.

“Noemi is a top European player and it has been her dream to play college golf at Arizona State because her idol is Azahara Munoz,” said Luellen.

Jimenez won the 2010 French Amateur shooting rounds of 64, 69, 68 and 72 to take the title for the second-straight year. The Spaniard also won medalist honors at the 2009 Girls’ British Open Amateur Championship.

Picture: Jimenez (left) and Alonso (right)

“Noemi just won the French Amateur Championship by eight shots,” said Luellen. “The 64 in the first round was a great start to a great week. We are thrilled to have this young lady join our family.”

Also joining the Sun Devil family, Alonso is also an accomplished European amateur. A native of France, Alonso finished in fifth place at the 2010 British Girls Open Amateur Championship. In 2007, she was the youngest player to make the cut in a Ladies European Tour event at the age of 14.

“Emilie is a highly accomplished player who will add a ton of talent and passion for the game of golf,” said Luellen.

In addition to her golfing prowess, Alonso is known for her glowing disposition.

“She is one of the nicest people you will ever meet and the last person you want to face on the course,” said Luellen. “We are excited to add Emilie’s wonderful spirit to the Sun Devil golf team.”

Alonso will compete for ASU starting in the spring of 2012.

The women’s golf team resumes competition in the spring at the Wildcat Invitational, Feb. 6-8, 2011. Hosted by ASU rival Arizona, the tournament will be held at the Arizona National Golf Course in Tucson, Ariz.

Joining ASU on its spring campaign will be newcomers Laura Blanco and Daniela Ordonez of Colombia and local standout Brittany McKee of Chandler, Ariz. The new members will compliment the current Sun Devils: 13th-ranked junior All-American Carlota Ciganda, junior Giulia Molinaro and freshman Nicole Jones.