Women's golf signs top Australian amateur

Arizona State women’s golf head coach Melissa Luellen announced today that Justine Lee of Sydney, Australia signed a letter of intent to study and play golf for the Sun Devils in January of 2011.

An accomplished amateur golfer in her native Australia, Lee became one of the youngest players to win the Srixon Australian Women’s Amateur in the history of the tournament at the age of 17 in 2009. Lee, a member of the Australian national team, served as the alternate on Australia’s 2010 World Amateur team, which finished the tournament in 15th place overall.

“Justine is a fabulous player with a great resume,” said Luellen. “She is a +3 handicap and will be a great addition to our spring roster.”

In 2009, Lee received an amateur exemption to play in the Women’s Australian Open where she finished in 34th, the highest finish of any amateur competing in the professional event.

With Lee currently playing some of the best golf of her burgeoning competitive career, Luellen anticipates the Australian will make an impactful debut in the collegiate world.

“I have a feeling Justine will make her presence known quickly in college golf,” said Luellen. “And we are excited to welcome her to Arizona State as our newest Sun Devil.”

Lee will join Laura Blanco, Daniela Ordonez, both of Bogota, Colombia and Brittany McKee of Chandler, Ariz. as the newest members of the Arizona State women’s golf team for the Spring 2011 season.