Tryouts for Sun Devil track & field team set
Current Arizona State University students that are interested in trying out for the Sun Devil track & field squad will have their opportunity on September 8-9 at Sun Angel Stadium, Greg Kraft, Director of Track & Field for ASU, announced today. The tryouts will begin at 4 p.m. on both days at the facility located on Packard Drive between the Whiteman Tennis Center and Packard Stadium.
In order to try out for the team, students must first stop by the Sun Devil track & field office to pick up a purple form that is hanging on the front door. The form must be filled out completely and one copy of the form returned to the coaching staff NO LATER than 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 7. The office is located on the second floor of the Carson Student-Athlete Center on the south side of Sun Devil Stadium (football stadium).
One of the requirements of the form is a physical and sickle cell test, both of which must be completed before the final signature may be obtained by the Office of Compliance. Physicals and sickle cell testing can be done anywhere, including the Student Health Center on campus. NOTE: it takes 48 hours to receive your sickle cell test results, so plan to get your tests done early before you begin the tryout process.
On September 8 and 9, each athlete trying out should be warmed-up and ready to go at 4 p.m. sharp at the common start-finish line on the track at Sun Angel Stadium. Starting at 4 p.m., each athlete will do the following:
September 8:
- Test #1: standing long jump (3 trials)
- Test #2: 30-meter sprint from a stand (2 trials)
- Test #3: 30-meter sprint with a 20-meter fly (2 trials)
September 9:
- Test #4: 45 second run (run as far as you can in 45 seconds)
- Test #5 (throwers only): javelin (softball throw), shot put (throw shot), discus (throw discus)
Following the two-day tryout period, the Sun Devil coaches will determine those that will join the program and will then post the list of accepted athletes on the Sun Devil Track & Field office door no later than noon on September 13.
For more information and to begin the tryout process, please stop by the track & field office or contact Coach Kenny McDaniel at (480) 965-2528.