Study groups pave way for building friendships

<p><img src="../../files/images/freshman_blog_2.jpg" alt width="200" height="60"></p><separator></separator><p><em>Throughout the semester, a select group of ASU freshmen will be blogging about their first year as Sun Devils. In the same way that graduation serves as a milestone marker for both students and the university, the freshman year experience is one of significant formation as it sets the foundation for academic excellence.</em></p><separator></separator><p><strong>Priya's blog:</strong><br><br>The college experience continues to be a great one for me. I've found a solid group of great friends and have now settled into a routine. Weekdays are busy as I'm running around to all my classes. I have a bike now and that helps a lot with getting to class faster. I've had my first couple of tests and major papers, which were very intimidating. Now that I have the first ones done, I know what to expect. My chemistry class is huge and taking a test in the lecture hall is something I have never done before.</p><separator></separator><p>There is a lot of group work involved, especially in my chemistry lab. I'm getting used to&nbsp;communicating&nbsp;with others and getting stuff done. Studying in groups isn't something I did very often in high school, but it definitely helps a lot with some of the harder classes because we can all help each other out.</p><separator></separator><p>My favorite class so far is English 102 because it's a hybrid class, meaning that it is very flexible according to my schedule. I only have to go to class once a week or less and it's up to me to finish everything and have it turned in on time.</p><separator></separator><p>Outside of class I spend a lot of time studying, but that doesn't mean I don't get to hang out with my friends. My&nbsp;favorite&nbsp;places to study are in the&nbsp;lounges&nbsp;in the dorms so that we can all study together. And when we are ready for a break, we just pop in a movie and relax on weekend nights. So far we have been having "Star Wars" movie nights every weekend, and we have a whole list of movies we think might take us the entire four years to get through.</p><separator></separator><p>In a couple of weeks I will be visiting home for the first time since I got here. I am excited to go back for a couple days. As much as I like it here, I do miss the cold weather and familiar surroundings back home, so it will be nice to be there for a bit and relax. Life here at ASU is a blast and I'm still glad that I decided&nbsp;to come here.</p><separator></separator><p><em>Priya Challa is an incoming freshman who is majoring in aerospace engineering. She is originally from Sandy, Utah.</em></p>