Students bring International Career Conference to ASU

More than 200 students attended the inaugural International Students Career Conference on Sept. 20. Attendees, representing more than 10 countries, learned about interviewing techniques, information on culture and diversity in the workplace, and job search resources.
Brandon Cho, a junior from South Korea majoring in supply chain management, used the conference as an opportunity to learn from the experts.
"The speakers are inspirational and I feel like now I know what to do to get a job in the states," said Cho.
Employers from various industries were available for a networking session and interactive panel. Faculty and staff from the Graduate Business Career Services, Undergraduate Business Career Services and Engineering Career Services offered workshops specific to the needs of international students.
"The event was well-attended, the students who attended were exposed to very valuable career information and introduced, or re-introduced, to the invaluable on-campus resources that are available to them at all Career Services offices and locations," said Korrie Gernert, ASU Career Services recruiting manager.
The conference was presented by the Coalition of International Students, led by the coalition president, Zhangyi (Benjamin) Liu. Support and resources were provided by ASU Career Services.
For more information on upcoming career events, visit