Stanford taps ASU professor for visiting scholar spot

Pat Lauderdale, a professor in the School of Justice and Social Inquiry, was recently appointed a visiting scholar at the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity at Stanford University. His teaching and research interests include indigenous jurisprudence, racialization, diversity, global indigenous struggles, law and the social science, and international terrorism. In the 1980s he helped create the Herbert Blumer Institute in Costa Rica with the goal of discovering and describing alternatives to violence and criminal law.

Before coming to ASU in 1981, Lauderdale was an associate professor of sociology and law at the University of Minnesota. His seminal book “Law and Society” (with James Inverarity and Barry Feld) has been translated into Japanese with a forthcoming version in Chinese.

Established in November 1996, the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity at Stanford University provides many opportunities for teaching and research on topics of race and ethnicity from both domestic and international comparative perspectives.