Staff invited to participate in upcoming ArtFests
Do you sing? Play an instrument? Quilt? Paint? Write poetry?
Or have any other creative talent?
Then you are wanted – to participate in The Devils’ Workshop for 2012.
The first part of The Devils’ Workshop is Staff ArtFest, scheduled for July and August. During those two months, staff are invited to sing, play the piano or guitar – or any other instrument, or show off their artistic talent at a small noontime gathering. Performances are held in Organ Hall and art demonstrations, readings and other types of events are held in Piper Writers House. The schedule is set as staff volunteer.
The second part of The Devils’ Workshop is Winter ArtFest, this year scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 29, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Hayden Lawn. All ASU faculty, staff, students, alumni, retirees or former employees may request a table to sell their hand-made arts and crafts. There will be no fee, but participants are asked to donate an item to the silent auction.
For more information about either part of the artfest, send an e-mail to