Semester Sun Devil student-athletes named

The Office of Student-Athlete Development has named four Sun Devil Student-Athletes for the Fall 2009 semester. Junior Xorge Carillo of the Sun Devil baseball team and Senior Joel Phillip of Track & Field are the two men recognized. Sophomore Hillary Bach of the softball team and senior Dymond Simon are the two women being honored.

Carillo transferred to ASU this semester from Central Arizona where he led his team to a third place finish at the Junior College World Series. Originally from Tijuana, Mexico where he spent the first fifteen years of his life learned to speak English in 2004. Taking fifteen credit hours in his first semester at ASU he was able to earn a 3.33 GPA.

"Most impressive was how Xorge managed and overcame several obstacles throughout the semester," said Patrice Feulner, the Assistant Director of the Office of Student-Athlete Development, "and stayed on course academically earning one of the highest GPA's on the team."

Carillo has been involved in several development programs and already has an internship lined up for next year in the field of sports management.

Philip, a transfer student two years ago, graduated in December 2009 with a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies.

"He [Philip] was able to make tremendous strides this fall semester," said student-athlete academic coach Sophia Sledge. "Over the summer, Joel also took it upon himself to help his teammates in the midst of a coaching change. He arrived back at school with a renewed attitude and determination to perform well in the classroom."

While taking on a more vocal role with his teammates this fall, Philip was able to earn a 3.6 semester GPA, setting a personal best.

"He exemplifies the true meaning of a Sun Devil through his integrity and passion and we all look forward to seeing him compete this season as a graduate," said Sledge.

Bach is a marketing major with a 3.82 GPA and is on track to graduate in three years. She plans to pursue her MBA as a senior. As a sophomore, Bach has been involved in several life skills events to complete a professional resume and learn how to network and interview with potential employers. This past fall Bach had an internship with the ASU Sports Marketing Department and continues to look for other internship opportunities this semester.

"Hillary has been a leader since the day she set foot on campus," said academic coach Stephanie Viola. "She is always setting a positive example for her teammates on and off the field. As a sophomore, she has taken initiative in being involved in our life skills programming that is only required for juniors and seniors."

On the field Bach will be looked upon to help lead a young pitching staff and her teammates back to a Women's College World Series.

Simon completed her Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies degree in three and a half years.

"Although Dymond would have liked to have been on the court setting records for the ASU Women's basketball team," said Associate Director Shay Jewett, "she still made another mark on this program by setting a record in the classroom during the Fall 2009 semester, earning the highest all time semester GPA."

Simon was able to achieve high academic marks while rehabbing her ACL injury, help in coaching and supporting her teammates at practices and games, and contributing over fifteen hours of community service. Dymond has been accepted into the Master's of Liberal Studies degree program and has started her master's coursework this spring.