Safety, security and risk management initiatives

Concerned parents students, and community members contact various administrators and staff to voice concerns on issues about the urban environment of the ASU Downtown Phoenix campus and the safety of the campus.

The following fact sheet provides staff with a general overview of safety planning and programming at the campus. Specific questions or concerns can be directed to: Richard Wilson,, (602) 496-1230 or Kimberly Novak,  (602) 496-4111. All media inquiries should be directed to Julie Newberg with Public Affairs at the ASU Downtown Phoenix campus at (602) 496-1005 or

Although safety inquiries often relate to specific high-profile incidents or concerns, points presented below outline the broadest scope of safety and security planning at the DPC. This reflects the operational philosophy that relentless attention to fundamental safety principles fosters a climate in which the community becomes acutely aware of changes in the environment,reports suspicious behavior and takes appropriate action relating to personal safety.

The administration of ASU Downtown Phoenix campus, in conjunction with the City of Phoenix, is committed to creating and sustaining a community environment that is safe and productive for students, faculty, staff and all members of the community. The Division of Student Affairs in collaboration with ASU Police is implementing programs and services that focus on proactive risk mitigation.

Safety and Security Initiatives include, but are not limited to:
* The ASU Police Commander and Sergeants assigned to the DPC have a strong working relationship with the Phoenix Police Department. They meet on a bi-weekly basis to discuss matters of mutual interest and concern.
* A team of 23 professional police aides and security personnel monitor the campus 24 hours a day and seven days a week.
* ASU has a strong partnership with the Copper Square Ambassadors who currently help monitor the downtown Phoenix area contiguous to the campus and beyond. Ambassadors serve as escorts in the greater Copper Square area.
* Campus safety escort services are available from police aides 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Call (480) 965-3456 for an escort.
* Safety Escort information is broadly distributed across campus in classroom safety presentations, at key information centers on campus and residential facilities.
* There are additional private security officers patrolling Arizona Center, Phoenix Urban Research Laboratory (PURL) and the Mercado.
* DPC and City of Phoenix officials have worked together to develop streetscape and lighting improvements that take into consideration the concept of crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED).
* Emergency call boxes are located in the parking garages and surface lots at University Center and the College of Nursing & Healthcare Innovation. Campus outreach education efforts inform the community where call boxes are located and what their purpose is each semester.
* All buildings on the DPC are equipped with an electronic access system that uses the Sun Card to allow various levels of access to authorized students faculty and staff.
* The Phoenix Police Department distributes sex-offender notifications to the DPC community when appropriate.
* The Phoenix Police Department routinely patrols the Downtown Phoenix campus through a variety of transportation modes - patrol cars, bicycles, horseback and motorcycles.
* Safety brochures targeting “smash and grabs,” high-rise crime and understanding the homeless are widely distributed throughout the campus.
* ASU Department of Public Safety officials in conjunction with the DPC Division of Student Affairs and the Phoenix Police Department coordinate the distribution of campus security alerts when appropriate.
* Students may go online to access personal safety resources. They can also learn about safety through print materials, campus postings and classroom presentations.
* Parents and students can learn about campus safety and security at the DPC during Welcome Week activities.
* The Division of Student Affairs has developed a proactive risk-management program that is fully integrated into all division operations. Through this initiative, the staff monitors and evaluates programs, systems, protocols and practices for potential or perceived risks and takes corrective action as needed to mitigate those risks.
* Residential Commons staff members have been trained by police officials, environmental health and safety staff and risk-management personnel from Student Affairs. Specific areas that they are trained in include facility safety, emergency response and resident personal safety strategies.
* Residential Commons residents were provided safety escort contact cards and safety whistles at check-in.
* Floor meetings and the “all hall” meeting in Residential Commons focused on safety and security services. Student responsibility for safety and security was also discussed.
* A program covering personal, office and urban -environment safety was presented four times to the College of Nursing & Health Care Innovation and the College of Public Programs
* The risk-management component of Student Affairs in conjunction with ASU Police, Phoenix Police and Environmental Health and Safety has scheduled a series of safety education and training programs to provide faculty and staff with information regarding personal safety.
* The Public Safety Advisory Committee works to monitor the safety and security of the DPC. The committee is made up of faculty, staff, students and city safety personnel.