Rudy Carpenter's weekly press conference

On Coach Dennis Erickson's assessment that they were subdued and angry yesterday:
"I think that's probably a perfect description of what the mood and feeling was like. I still feel that way. I feel angry."

On if they feel they let the game get away:
"It was one of those where you just keep thinking about it. It hurts, because you worked so hard. A team like that, they obviously deserve credit, but we should beat them."

On if he is worried how the team will respond to the loss:
"I'm not concerned. I know the character of our team. I know how they are. I know, for me, being a leader on this team, I've got to make sure that all that negative energy and all the bad feelings they had from last week, hopefully they use that as some type of motivation and rally cry; take all that anger out on somebody else."

On what he did since the game ended:
"To be honest, after the game, I just wanted to go home and be by myself. I didn't get even one hour of sleep. All I kept thinking about was what I could have done differently to help us win. As soon as Sunday came around, I was just so anxious to get in here and start watching film on Georgia, and just put this one behind us and forget about it. We can change everything in one week."

On the team still being able to accomplish its goals for the season:
"We're 1-0 in the Pac-10, and our goal every year is to win the Pac-10; that can still happen. Regardless of what happens this week, that can still happen. I think it's important that our guys understand that, but I will say that being able to do something this weekend would mean a whole lot to those young guys and the older guys, to build some confidence that will help us down the road."

On if winning this game against a top-flight SEC team can help the Pac-10's reputation:
"I guess, but I'm not too worried about that. I care about Arizona State. That's all I care about. I don't care about any other team in the Pac-10. I'm just worried about us, and worried about how we play against the No. 3 team in the country, which is Georgia. No matter where they're from, they're the No. 3 team in the country and they're an outstanding football team."

On Georgia's defense:
"I just got done watching a lot of tape, and their front seven is a great group. They're big, strong and fast. Then, I watched their defensive backs, and they're very aggressive, they're experienced guys and they're also very athletic. I think their defense is probably the biggest strength of their team. We're going to have to be very prepared to do well against these guys."

On still having a chance to reach the Rose Bowl:
"Without a doubt, but I'm worried about Georgia this week. I think that's going to be the biggest game for most of the guys who have been here probably in our career. But, yes, we're obviously aware of what the rest of the Pac-10 is doing, and we're aware of what we can do. I think it's important that stays in the front of our minds."

On what he will look for from his teammates in practice this week:
"I want to see everything pick up. I want to see the intensity level of practice get picked up. I want to see fewer mistakes in practice. I want to see a different type of fire, passion and intensity in these guys' eyes, knowing that we let one get away and we're going to do everything in our power to make up for that."

On what has caused the team's red zone offensive struggles:
"If I had the answer to that, we wouldn't be struggling. I know that when you get in the red zone, trying to throw the ball, it gets real compact down there. So you've got to be able to run the ball. You've got to be able to score touchdowns down there by running it. But, without a doubt, obviously I missed an opportunity in the game, I think it was Jovon [Williams], I overthrew him a little bit. We've just got to make more plays, to be honest with you."