Recycling retiree honored with Lifetime Achievement Award

Pat Chase (Marsh) recently was awarded the 2010 Lifetime Achievement Award by the Arizona Recycling Coalition (AzRC)/American Public Works Association (Arizona Chapter). 
The award recognizes Chase’s untiring work as a recycling coordinator at ASU – a position from which she retired in 2005.

Terry Gellenbeck, chair of AzRC and solid waste administrative analyst with the City of Phoenix, presented Chase with the award and made the following remarks:

“You may know her as Pat Chase, ASU recycling coordinator. Or you may know her as Patricia Marsh, mild-mannered retiree, citizen advocate for recycling and AzRC member. But like Superman and Clark Kent, Chase and Marsh are never in the same place at the same time. And like Superman, Marsh was the Arizona Recycling Coalition’s superhero through her efforts in keeping the organization alive and flourishing after nearly two decades of voluntary service to the organization.

“Her work at ASU, creating a recycling program before anyone was using the word 'sustainable' is enough unto itself to be recognized for an AzRC Recycling Lifetime Achievement award,” he continued. “In her free time, Pat served in about every capacity on the AzRC board including chairman and was frequently the only Arizona representative on various National Recycling Coalition boards, especially those focusing on America Recycles Day and University Recycling program. Pat also was instrumental in creating the AzRC’s grant program distributing almost $30,000 in grant monies to worthy projects the last five years.”

Chase was honored at the joint annual meeting of the AzRC and American Public Works Association – a conference she helped to establish – in front of an assembly of more than 500 members and participants.