Public Affairs graduate students pull off triple win

An unprecedented winning trio of graduate students at ASU’s School of Public Affairs collected the first-ever multiple awards from the Phoenix Women’s Commission for the Mary Ann Huerta Jenkins Fellowship.

The fellowship recognizes the strength of women in public service as a memorial to Jenkins, a longtime assistant to the Phoenix city manager remembered for her communitywide support of women’s issues and the underpriveleged.

Graduate students Ada Davis and Carolyn Rerucha, from the master’s degree in public policy program, join Cheyenne Walsh, a master’s degree in public administration candidate, in setting the fellowship’s record of three awards totaling $7,500.

Typically, the $2,500 annual award goes to one woman in the school’s graduate program who best reflects Jenkins’ enthusiastic civic involvement.

All three of this year’s winners are Phoenix residents and were honored Jan. 29.

The record-setting awards also set a new fundraising goal for the commission to aspire toward next year, says chairman Terri Jackson, who credited the triple win to a successful fundraising campaign.

The recipients’ applications had winning combinations of government work experience and community volunteer efforts, selection committee member Laura French says.

The fellowship was developed in 2003 as a partnership between Phoenix and the School of Public Affairs, to honor the memory of Jenkins’ stellar career.

Wendy Paulson,
(602) 496-1035
with ASU’s Office of the Dean