Program examines myths, majesties of Turkey

Turkey is emerging as a model of democracy while many countries in the Arab world are undergoing current political unrest and economic strife says one ASU professor, who is organizing a summer trip to the Middle East.

“As of late, Egypt, Libya, Yemen and Tunisia are all experiencing anti-government protests and political unrest while Turkey has prospered in recent years,” said Dr. Gary Grossman, a professor with ASU’s School of Letters and Sciences. “That’s because Turkey is now a real democracy. People there tend to do their fighting at the ballot box rather than in the streets.”

Turkey’s current economic situation and its cultural and religious history will be discussed at an upcoming informational session for a summer study abroad program. The session takes place at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, March 9 at ASU’s Tempe Campus, Interdisciplinary Bldg. B, Conference Room 365.

The program is geared toward all ASU students, but is also accepting students from other institutions, who wish to gain a deeper understanding of the current situation in the Middle East and Turkey’s cultural and religious history from Animism, Judaism, and Christianity to Islam – and their multi-layered effects on people.

The academic (six credits for undergraduate students, three credits for graduate students) program takes place from May 31 to July 1, 2011, during which students will spend three weeks in Turkey. Students will travel throughout Turkey and examine the mythologies, archeological findings, and traditions that build civilizations as well as interview various experts in the field. The program covers many majors, especially those in Anthropology, International Business, History, Political Science, Global Studies, Religious Studies, Global Technology and Development and BIS.

The fee for the program will include internal transportation while in Turkey, lodging, and course related field trips and excursions. The program has a limit of 10 people.

For more program details, updates and application procedures, please call (602) 496-0638 or visit: