President's Award to honor teams focused on social embeddedness
Social embeddedness leads to positive social change. That is why one of ASU’s three annual President’s Awards focuses on social embeddedness and rewards teams of faculty and staff who partner with local communities to identify, co-create and implement solutions that improve the local community and ASU’s research, teaching and service practices in a measurable way.
A range of projects have received the ASU President’s Medal for Social Embeddedness. The "Improved Nutrition through Arizona Farmers' Markets" project, for example, teamed ASU faculty, staff and students with managers of Farmers’ Markets in underserved communities to identify technology solutions that increased overall sales and use of food assistance program benefits at local farmers markets.
Another project, the "Community Action Research Experiences" (CARE) program, builds community capacity through a year-long collaboration between ASU student researchers and nonprofit community organizations to identify research questions the community organizations would like ASU to address. The program helps students develop skills in action research, community engagement and leadership, while simultaneously helping community agencies to increase their evidence-based practice and effectiveness.
If you think your team is doing work that deserves the ASU President’s Medal for Social Embeddedness, fill out an application form and submit it no later than Thursday, Jan. 9, 2014. Teams that receive this award will be recognized by President Michael Crow at a reception and award ceremony in April 2014.
Linda Uhley,
Office of Human Resources