Parking and Transit offers commuters to social media tools
Amid the bustling pace of a university campus – from daily schedules at school, work and play, to the transportation routes that get us there and back – people want to stay connected to what’s happening right now. To offer the latest transportation updates, ASU’s Parking and Transit Services is deploying new social media pages and technological advancements to keep students and employees updated on their commuting options.
Facebook users can like “ASU Transit” to learn about the latest news and information regarding PTS services such as parking permits, bus and light rail passes, and events of interest to the ASU community. This page also is a valuable resource for students and employees to interact with the PTS staff and for commuters to share their thoughts and suggestions on how to get around the ASU campuses. Current “friends” of ASU Transit on Facebook are asked to please “Like” the new community page, as the private friends account will be deactivated on Sept. 30.
On Twitter, to complement PTS’ main @ASUtransit account, a new page specifically for intercampus shuttle passengers has recently launched. By following @asu2asuShuttles, passengers can receive tweets about new schedules, shuttle enhancements, and detours and rider alerts. Additionally, PTS invites riders to contribute with feedback and updates about their personal commuting experiences.
With the start of the Fall 2010 semester came an upgrade to the intercampus shuttles in that all buses are now equipped with GPS, which allows passengers to track their shuttles on a real-time application accessible on the web or mobile devices. Dubbed “S.T.A.R.T.,” for Sun Devil Transportation Activity in Real-Time, ASU students and employees can check the status of the bus they are waiting to board to receive estimated arrival times. Access “S.T.A.R.T.” here.
As the roles of social media and technology move forward, so too will PTS’ efforts to keep the campus community informed in order to facilitate more ease and less stress in students’ and employees’ travels to, from and between the ASU campuses.
Get in the know with ASU PTS: Follow us, like us and track us.