Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics Teaching Fellows Program
The Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics Teaching Fellows Program offers faculty members at ASU the opportunity to develop, or revise, and deliver undergraduate courses that incorporate the ethical dimensions and issues of the topics or subjects in their fields. The courses must be central to the discipline and regularly scheduled offerings for majors.
The overall goal of this program is to proliferate throughout the undergraduate curriculum ethics courses within disciplines so that an integral aspect of an ASU undergraduate education will be the responsible, ethical use of the knowledge and power that study in a discipline or field imparts.
The Lincoln Ethics Teaching Fellows meet for regular workshops directed by an applied ethicist during which time each Teaching Fellow works on the development and design of the course, prepares the syllabus and other course materials, and participates in discussions about ethics in his or her field.
In the Spring 2013 semester, the program will be led by Zachary J. Goldberg, Lincoln Fellow for Ethics Education. Click here to apply and to see details and deadlines. For further questions contact Goldberg at