Lie, lay: a grammar trap lying in wait

<p>“I’m going to lay down and take a nap,” the man said to his wife.</p><separator></separator><p>“You can’t lie that one on me. I know you’re lying,” she sternly replied. “You’ve never laid down for a nap in your life. What are you really going to do?”</p><separator></separator><p>Eeek. Doesn’t anyone know the difference between “lay” and “lie” anymore? Does anyone even care?</p><separator></separator><p>And furthermore, should we care?</p><separator></separator><p>Today’s usage of “lie” and “lay” is “totally arbitrary,” said Elly van Gelderen, professor of English. “The Oxford English Dictionary – Samuel Johnson’s dictionary – decided on these forms, and I think we should get rid of them. I don’t see them as errors, just that things are changing.”</p><separator></separator><p>The “correct,” or “prescriptive,” usage of lie and lay seem to be moving farther (or should that be further?) away from people’s conscience, as a careful reading of current newspapers illustrates.</p><separator></separator><p>Just ask the two people who uttered these sentences:</p><separator></separator><p>"You don’t get a choice really. You can lay there and you can die, or you can get up and get going again.”</p><separator></separator><p>“This is just money laying on the table that companies haven’t gotten around to doing.”</p><separator></separator><p>And, many of van Gelderen’s students don’t know the difference. As part of a 10-question grammar quiz, she asked the students to choose the right usage for lay and lie – “and only two students got all 10 sentences right,” she said.</p><separator></separator><p>(Lesson: ‘Lay’ is a transitive irregular verb – it needs an object: “The chicken lays an egg every day.” ‘Lie’ is an intransitive irregular verb that does not need an object: “I lie down regularly.”)</p><separator></separator><p>And then there’s the quandary of “who” and “whom,” which, van Gelderen says, has been around since the time of Shakespeare.</p><separator></separator><p>(Lesson: 'Who' is subject and 'whom' is the object of a preposition or verb.)</p><separator></separator><p>Speaking of Shakespeare, the dramatist actually wrote this sentence in “The Merchant of Venice”: “All debts are cleared between you and I.” (Another subject-object conundrum.)</p><separator></separator><p>But if you read a modern version of the play, you’ll find that it has been changed to “between you and me.”</p><separator></separator><p>(Shakespeare’s spelling of “cleared” as “cleerd” in “The Merchant of Venice” also has been “fixed,” and there are numerous other examples of how his language has been “cleaned up.”)</p><separator></separator><p>A new wrinkle in grammar is the increasing use of “goes” instead of “says,” as in the following exchange:</p><separator></separator><p>“He goes, ‘You are so last-year. Why are you wearing those ripped-up jeans?’ Then I go, ‘Because I just fell and torn them.’”</p><separator></separator><p>This use of “go” is “quotative,” van Gelderen said. “The speaker will say ‘go’ or ’goes’ then go on to quote someone.”<br />Many people are self-conscious about how they put words together, particularly if they know they are speaking with a grammar expert such as van Gelderen.</p><separator></separator><p>If she happens to mention, say at the dentist, that she teaches grammar, the usual reaction is: "'Oh, my grammar is terrible.' Therefore I never say that I teach grammar,” she said.</p><separator></separator><p>So why bother learning the rules of grammar? Why not just let it all go and say, “Me sees you” instead of “I see you”?</p><separator></separator><p>“We stick to the rules because it makes us sound educated,” van Gelderen said. “To some extent it does empower people to learn grammar. It’s important in our society.”</p><separator></separator><p>And, she added, though grammar does subtly change, “too many people have a vested interest in keeping it the way it is.”</p><separator></separator><p>To say it another way, people want to see things stay like they are. (Or should it be as they are?)</p><separator></separator><p>_________________________________________________________________________________________</p><separator></separator><p><strong>Pop Quiz:</strong>&nbsp; <em>See if you can use the appropriate form of `lie’ or `lay’ in the following sentences.</em></p><separator></separator><p><em>Choices: lie, lay, laid, lay, laying, lying, lain, laid</em></p><separator></separator><p>1. Did you want to .................. on the couch?</p><separator></separator><p>2. Did you ..........…your pen down?</p><separator></separator><p>3. Earlier today, I ................. down some towels to absorb the rain.</p><separator></separator><p>4. Last night, she ................. awake for a long time.</p><separator></separator><p>5. Have you been ................. brick long?</p><separator></separator><p>6. She was ................. on the couch.</p><separator></separator><p>7. I have ................... in the sun all day.</p><separator></separator><p>8. They have ................... down their arms.</p><separator></separator><p>&nbsp;</p><separator></separator><p>&nbsp;</p><separator></separator><p>&nbsp;</p><separator></separator><p><strong>Answers:</strong> 1. lie 2. lay 3. laid 4. lay 5. laying 6. lying 7. lain 8. laid</p>