'Juggling It All' series looks at work-life balance
This spring the ASU Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is inaugurating a special new series of programming to help employees feel their best at work and at home.
Joining the CSW’s annual Professional Development Conference (held each fall) and the CSW Career Success Series “Yellow Brick Road to Leadership,” this March the CSW is hosting special series titled “Jugging It All,” which will feature a variety of workshops and programs focused on topics related to work, family and work-life balance.
Workshops and events will be held across all campuses throughout the month of March and into early April. The special series kicks off with a special “Juggling It All” mini-conference to take place at the Tempe campus from 8 a.m. to noon, March 6, in the Memorial Union.
According to Karen Engler, senior coordinator for the commision, all of the programming offered in the series "is designed to provide realistic strategies for people to use in different areas of their life that are important to them. Over the years, we have seen increased interest in work/life/family related workshops that we offer, and we thought it would be a great idea to devote a special series and conference just to that. We have an exciting lineup of workshops and this is just the starting place.”
Workshops to be offered at the “Juggling It All” mini-conference at Tempe include: “Time Management for Busy Professionals,” “Nutrition on a Busy Schedule,” “Fitness on a Busy Schedule,” “Household Organization,” “Healthy Relationship Communication” (focused on couple & family relationships) as well as a number of special workshops dedicated to “Engaged Parenting.”
For more information about the series, visit the Commission on the Status of Women website. To register for any of the events, email your request to Karen.Engler@asu.edu or to asucsw@asu.edu.