Grant competition salutes exceptional graduate teaching

The Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) recently saluted 22 ASU graduate student recipients of the 2007-2008 GPSA Teaching Excellence Award. The awardees were recognized March 19 at a luncheon in their honor at the University Club on ASU’s Tempe campus.

The program recognizes graduate and professional students at ASU’s Tempe campus who exemplify excellence in education and classroom instruction.

The awardees are: D. Jeff Bale, educational leadership and policy studies; Daniel Barr, chemistry; Margaret Bartlett, curriculum and instruction; Nicholas Behm, English; Justin Boren, Hugh Downs School of Human Communication; Monica Butler, history; Kierstin Catlett, School of Human Evolution & Social Change; Tamara Christensen, College of Design; Stacey M. Flores, educational psychology; Molly Gittelman, theater and film; Dustin Goltz, Hugh Downs School of Human Communication; Tamer Helmy, School of Life Sciences; Christine Holman, School of Justice and Social Inquiry; Shannon Johnson, Hugh Downs School of Human Communication; Mariah Conover Keko, theater and film; Amy Markos, curriculum and instruction; Kimberlee Perez, Hugh Downs School of Human Communication; Sarah Anne Polasky, educational psychology; Shankar Thirunakkarasu, electrical engineering; Ekaterina Trofimova, French; Rose Soza War Soldier, history; and Qiawen Wu, College of Design.

Individuals who have won the award are ineligible to receive it a second time; however, they are recognized by a continuing excellence note.

The 2007-2008 Continuing Excellence in Teaching awardees are: Debi Johnson, curriculum and instruction (art education); Christopher Schneider, School of Justice and Social Inquiry; and Angela Zapata, educational psychology.

Teaching assistants and graduate student instructors are eligible for nomination. This year, there were 69 complete nominations (with applications) and all were observed in the classroom by a member of the volunteer graduate student review committee.