Forming friendships from all over the place

Throughout the semester, a select group of ASU freshmen will be blogging about their first year as Sun Devils. In the same way that graduation serves as a milestone marker for both students and the university, the freshman year experience is one of significant formation as it sets the foundation for academic excellence.

Marina's blog:

I'm about halfway through the Fall 2010 semester now, and that means one thing: midterms. Or at least that's what I hear. I haven't had any midterms but some of my friends are going insane studying for them. My classes don't have midterms, but last week I did have a two-part calculus test and a chemistry test on the same day. Even though these classes are hard, I am glad that I am in them because I am learning so much.

My favorite class this semester is my chemistry lab. I have an awesome TA who teaches the material before we go to the actual lab. I love being in the lab and getting to perform experiments with my labmates, who have become my friends. For example, last week we dissolved a sample of copper in acid, then through adding different solutions to the copper were able to change the color of the solution to blue. Then we boiled it, which created a solid, which we were able to convert back into the original copper sample. It was very cool!

I am really loving being in my cluster. It has helped me to make friends and connections with my peers who are in the same major as I am, and it helps because we are able to form study groups for any class since we have them all together. When I am not doing homework, I am either watching "Glee," baking in the Barrett 6th floor lounge or hanging out with my friends, usually in my room. My friend and I have also started a mens' hair-cutting business. So far we have had two clients and business is good. We are getting skilled with the clippers and have been offering up our services to our friends for free.

If I were to give a piece of advice to incoming freshmen, it is to be social! You never know who is in the same class as you, which can serve as a study group. Or, you could end up meeting someone down the hall who's from the same city as you. This has happened to me three times in my own dorm hall! Also, don't care about what others think of you. That seems so cliche, but it's true. Once you are comfortable with yourself, you can have more fun and make more friends that way.

Marina Celaya is an incoming freshman who is majoring in biochemistry. She is originally from Tucson, Ariz.