Family Weekend offers fun, food for thought
The barbecue-and-football tradition of ASU Family Weekend has evolved into a three-day celebration for the whole clan, and a chance for younger siblings to dip their toes into the campus waters.
On ASU Family Weekend Oct. 24-26, sisters and brothers of current students are offered a whole schedule of activities including games at the Student Recreation Complex, a residence hall tour and a special tour of Sun Devil Stadium with Sparky and ASU athletes. Siblings must be in the 6th – 12th grade.
Mom and Dad can go to class with their student, attend different tours and open houses, and sample workshops on helping and understanding their student, and on sustainability. President Michael Crow will share with parents the new developments in ASU’s efforts to be a green campus.
As always, there’ll be plenty of fun--a hike up “A” Mountain, planetarium shows, a tailgate party before the Saturday night football game with the Oregon Ducks. But parents who want a chance to tickle their gray matter won’t be disappointed.
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences will host an interactive faculty forum and debate on issues of current national and global concern at 3:15 p.m. Oct. 24. The W.P. Carey School of Business will offer a faculty panel discussion on “Wall Street Meets Main Street: Straight Talk on the Financial Crisis from Experts Who Are Not Running for President,” at noon Oct. 25.
At Barrett, the Honors College, parents even have advance homework before attending a Mock Human Event class at 10 a.m. Oct. 25. Faculty have assigned required reading to parents, from Dante’s “Inferno” to Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave” and Montaigne’s “Of Cannibals.”
Most ASU faculty members will allow family to visit their classrooms with their students during Family Weekend. At the West campus, Professors Brian Sullivan and Andrew Kirby have invited parents to their classes on “Natural History of Arizona” and “Honors ASU 101: The ASU Experience.”
Welcome receptions will be held at all four campuses. Shuttles will transport students and families from West, Polytechnic and Downtown campuses to Tempe on Oct. 25 for the tailgate party on Old Main Lawn and football game at Sun Devil Stadium.
Sustainability efforts for the weekend’s activities include using recycled paper products, catering with food from local distributors and choosing gifts such as water bottles and tote bags that are earth-friendly and reusable.
For information on registration and schedules, go to