Courtney Crane on ASU soccer: playing as a team

The thing that makes this team so great is that we play for each other. There are no superstars on this team; there are simply a lot of really good players who embrace a &quot;team first&quot; mentality. I believe that is what makes a true team. Some teams are good because they have that one or two players that do all the work and put all the goals in the back of the net. We don&#39;t have that and therefore, every single one us adds an important aspect to our game. On the field we are all essential for our team to succeed. You can see what I mean by looking at who scores on our team; everyone. Our midfield scores, our forwards score and our defense scores. There are all kinds of teams out there but if you ask me, ours is the best kind. We are committed to each other, we appreciate each other, we respect each other and like I said earlier, we play for each other. We spend time together outside of soccer, we laugh together and we&#39;re silly together. I love my team and I am so grateful that this is the team I get to spend my senior season with. This team deserves the best and I hope that PAC-10&#39;s continue to go just as well as they did this first weekend! The great <a href="">… Mahoney</a> once told our team, &quot;no matter what, stay together!&quot; Well, I believe we have taken her advice and we are together more now then ever. Devils, lets keep it up! Let&#39;s keep doing what were doing and never forget what the most important part of our team is; each and every one of us.</p>