Comparative Border Studies to award grants, fellowships

ASU's Comparative Border Studies is offering research grants to ASU faculty and research fellowships to faculty from other universities.

The theme for 2012-2013 will be "Border-to-Border: Mexico-United States-Canada." Comparative Border Studies prefers applicants that fit the annual theme for a given year; however, applicants whose work explores the consequences of borders from any time or place will be considered.

The research grants provide $5,000 to an ASU faculty member to put towards the production of scholarly work. Comparative Border Studies anticipates awarding at least four grants annually. Recipients are expected to present their work in a colloquium, and attend at least four colloquia throughout the year.

Scholars in the social sciences and humanities at any of the ASU campuses are eligible to apply. Scholars are expected to have a project that they can speak about in a public forum and intend to publish in the near future.

Fellowships will be offered at a minimum of $30,000 per year and will be awarded to scholars outside of ASU to be in-residence at the School of Transborder Studies on ASU's Tempe campus for the academic year. One or two fellowships will be offered each year.

Applicants must have their Ph.D. completed at the starting time of residence. Scholars of all ranks are invited to apply. Recipients will be required to present their work in a colloquium and attend the colloquia series throughout the year. Recipients will receive office space and ASU faculty privileges.

Scholars in the social sciences and humanities not affiliated with Arizona State University are invited to apply. Scholars are expected to be in the final stages of a work for publication.

Applications are due on Dec. 5, 2011.

Applicants for both the ASU faculty grants and the year-long research fellowships will submit a two-page description of their project and a brief curriculum vita (no more than two pages). ASU faculty grant applicants are also required to submit an itemized budget.

In mid-December, applicants who advance to the next round will be asked to submit written material, such as an article or article manuscript not to exceed 25 pages.

For more information, please visit or e-mail Comparative Border Studies Coordinator at