Causing a Racquet: Saying goodbye to the seniors

The Arizona State Women's tennis team finished off the 2010 regular season with a 12-5 record. Aside from studying for finals and practicing, the Sun Devils are awaiting their regional selection. After the season comes to an end, the team will bid farewell to two seniors, Nadia Abdala and Amanda Martin. We sat down with the seniors to ask them about their time here at Arizona State.

What are you going to miss most about ASU?
Nadia Abdala
: I will miss the people I met at ASU the most. I met great people and made beautiful relationships that will definitely be missed.
Amanda Martin: I'm going to miss the incredible family that I have gained through athletics, and having the luxury of taking naps.

What is your most fond tennis memory at ASU?
Nadia Abdala: My most fond tennis memory was my senior day. It was perfect, not only did we beat Cal for the first time since I've been here but my whole family was there supporting me.
Amanda Martin: I think one of my fondest memory was beating Stanford my sophomore year. We hadn't in a few years, so it was nice to see all our hard work finally pay off.

What are you most looking forward to after you graduate?
Nadia Abdala: I am looking forward to playing professional tennis. I have been wanting to do it my whole life and after graduating I will have the opportunity to start my new career.
Amanda Martin: I'm most looking forward to possibly going to Green Bay, Wisconsin, in the fall to watch the Green Bay Packers play...and I am looking forward to being able to ski once again!

What are your plans for the summer?
Nadia Abdala: In the summer I will go home to Mexico for a month and I am not so sure about the rest of the summer.
Amanda Martin: My plans for the summer include attending an Athletes in Action Ultimate Training Camp in Colorado for a week, and hopefully getting a job!

Where do you see yourself in five years?
Nadia Abdala: I have no idea, I live day by day.
Amanda Martin: Hopefully working with the NFL and working towards starting a family.

If you were to give any advice to an incoming freshman, what would it be?
Nadia Abdala: My advice would be to enjoy every second of college because I goes by really fast.
Amanda Martin: Trust in yourself, and trust in the process.