A call to all Sun Devils
Imagine an Arizona of the future based on your input, ideas and energy. An Arizona that is considered the “place to be” for college graduates who want a great career and an equally great quality of life. That’s exactly what the Center for the Future of Arizona hopes to accomplish by gathering data from students like you, through a quick 15-minute online poll: http://www.thearizonawewant.org.
The center invites you to become a "voice" for The Arizona We Want. Take the Gallup Arizona Poll online to see how your responses compare to those of other young Arizonans. Your responses will help ensure a clear and effective "citizen voice" in the November election.
There is much at stake as we prepare to elect new leadership at all levels. With your help, the Center for the Future of Arizona can focus candidates for public office on the issues that citizens believe are most important at this critical time in Arizona's history.
ASU students represent more than 60,000 voices. Help shape Arizona for yourself and your community – take the poll now: http://www.thearizonawewant.org. Click on "Take the Gallup Arizona Poll." After registering, enter the appropriate participation code: ASUTempe, ASUDowntown, ASUPoly, ASUWest, or ASUGrad (graduate students at any campus).
Justin Boren, Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) President.
Daniel Hatch, ASASU West campus President.
Matt McCoy, ASASU Polytechnic campus President.
Tania Mendes, ASASU Downtown campus President.
Brendan O’Kelly, USG Tempe campus President.