ASU named leader in community college transfer partnership models

Arizona State University has been recognized as a leader in transfer partnership models by the SOURCE on Community Colleges.
The SOURCE is an online publisher documenting trends, issues and strategies surrounding community colleges.
ASU was highlighted for the partnership in place with Maricopa Community Colleges, which the SOURCE called, “an innovative articulation model that provides a view toward what the future could hold for institutions that are ready to more fully develop their transfer and articulation policies and systems.”
“It’s quite an honor to have ASU listed as a prime example of innovative and effective work in the arena of transfer and articulation. It speaks to the work that has been done through many offices and departments at ASU to create culture of transfer for community college students,” said Maria Hesse, Vice Provost for Academic Partnerships.
The Maricopa - ASU Pathways Program (MAPP) outlines the specific community college courses that align with required classes toward a degree program at ASU, ensuring credits transfer seamlessly. There are currently 125 MAPPs available for students to choose from.
Additionally, ASU has developed similar pathways with community colleges throughout the state of Arizona.
During the 2009-2010 academic year, 80 percent of all Maricopa Community College students who transferred to a state university were enrolled in a program at ASU, as reported by the Maricopa Community Colleges Division of Academic and Student Affairs. Sixty-five percent of these students went on to earn a bachelor’s degree within four years of transferring.
Students Laura DiVenti and Laurie Evans both participated in pathway programs and are now working toward their bachelor’s degrees. Read more about their experiences.