Around the world and into the classroom

Chad Post, a graduate student in the Global Technology and Development program at Arizona State University, has traveled the world with the United States Navy, experiencing a myriad of landscapes and cultures. Now, the Jacksonville, N.C. native is dividing his time between college and working as a contracted civilian for the military.

Post jokes that his interest in joining the military sprang from the Power Rangers … well, sort of. Growing up in a small town, he craved adventure and travel in far-off lands. Instead of sitting through endless Power Rangers reruns, Post decided to achieve his dream by walking down to speak with local military recruiters.

His service with the Navy began in 1995, where he worked as a Cryptologic Technician. His duties included maintaining computer networks at the Defense Intelligence Agency, as well as a single test system for the USS Bataan.  

Post earned an undergraduate degree at the University of Maryland University College. He came across ASU for his post-baccalaureate work after browsing multiple high-achieving rankings on the U. S. News and World Report website. He says that the GTD program offered through the School of Letters and Sciences is what solidified his decision.

“I loved the idea of blending technology and social science. I decided then and there to apply,” he said.

Despite working more than 70 hours a week as a contracted civilian for the United States Marine Corps, Post maintains a full-time student course load through ASU Online. He plans to attend law school after graduation.

“I consider my education to be my greatest accomplishment. While the previous things are things I’ve done, my education is something I’ve achieved,” he said.