Arizona State swimming and diving teams defeat UCSB

The Arizona State swimming and diving teams were able to hold their leads and defeat the UC Santa Barbara Gauchos on Saturday. The women's team won handily, defeating the Gauchos 236-111. The men's team earned their first victory on the season, besting UCSB 177-170. The women are now 4-0 on the season while the men are 1-3.

Lucas Azevedo placed first in the 500 free with a solid time of 4:33.54. Freshman Vinicius Waked finished third, coming in at 4:35.69. Shannon Garrett won the women's 500 free, touching in at 5:03.62.

In the 200 back, Rikka Brunner placed first. She clocked in a time of 2:02.98. Freshman Collin Gladys placed first in the 200 breast, touching in at 2:05.34.

In the 100 free, Jen Beckberger and Lindsey Brown came in one and two respectively. Beckerberger clocked in a time of 51.06, while Brown touched in at 51.70.

Caitlin Andrew added her second NCAA "B" qualifying time. The senior All-American touched in at 54.34 to win the event. Sophomore Ashton Aubry placed second with a solid time of 55.56.

Ashley Evans handily won the women's 400 IM. The sophomore clocked in a time of 4:25.89. On the men's side CJ Nuess continued his dominance over the weekend by winning the men's 400 IM handily with a time of 3:59.74

In the relays, the ASU women's "A" team won the 400 medley in 3:47.13. The men's "A" team finished second in a time of 3:22.62. In the 200 free relay, the women's "A" team of Andrew, Beckberger, Jess Perazzo and Brown earned an NCAA "B" qualifying time after finishing in 1:33.18. The men's "A" team placed second finishing in 1:22.56.

The Sun Devils return to action on Nov. 9 when the women host UCLA and the men host Utah at Mona Plummer Aquatic Center. The meet starts at 2:00 p.m.