2009 Academic Bowl registration closes Sept. 14
Although it is never too early for Arizona State University Academic Bowl hopefuls to don their thinking caps, the first order of business for those seeking to compete in the 2009 version is to register.
Registration for the fourth annual Academic Bowl, scheduled for October 13-15 on the Tempe campus, is underway and closes September 14. Registration is available at the participating colleges and through the Academic Bowl Web site http://asu.edu/academicbowl. Colleges will hold testing and team selection September 15 – October 1.
For 2009, the academic event features 16 teams of undergraduate students competing for college pride and scholarship money in a fast-paced, question-and-answer format. The questions will cover a wide range of subjects, including current events, history, science, sports and culture.
This year the competition will have a new twist, moving to a double-elimination tournament, which guarantees each team at least two matches.