Biomedical informatics professor to chair conference

<p>ASU Department of Biomedical Informatics professor Kanav Kahol will chair the 2nd International Ambient Systems Conference being held in Phoenix.&nbsp; The conference is a forum on topics relating to human interactions with technology.&nbsp;</p><separator></separator><p>Other organizing and program committee members that are participating in this year’s conference are the leaders of their fields around the world.&nbsp; The conference is hosted by the International Society for Computer Tomography, which works to improve the health care needs of the general public by supporting sciences and health care research.</p><separator></separator><p>“Last year the conference met for the first time in Quebec,” said Kahol.&nbsp; “Most work with ambient systems is done outside the U.S.,” said Kahol, “but ASU is in a great position to be a part of it this year.”</p><separator></separator><p>Kahol participated in last year’s conference as a guest lecturer. “I did a workshop with haptic and ambient systems and because of the success of the workshop I was invited to be general chair for this year’s conference,” said Kahol.&nbsp; Haptic technology is hardware and software which interfaces with the user through the sense of touch. &nbsp;</p><separator></separator><p>Kahol guest-edited a special issue in IEEE Transactions on haptics in ambient systems.&nbsp; He is the manager of the Human Machine Symbiosis Lab at ASU and he organized the haptics in ambient systems workshop in 2008.</p><separator></separator><p>Paper submissions are accepted until May 31.&nbsp; The conference meets on December 2-3, 2010.</p><separator></separator><p>Please visit <a href="">Ambi-Sys Conference</a> for more information.</p>