Can innovation exist without soul work?

gaymon Bennett

Gaymon Bennett explores modernity’s role in contemporary religion and biotechnology. He says innovation requires soul work, which, in turn, requires one to embrace the shadow. 

In a new, shorter KEDtalk format with bonus podcast, the Arizona State University associate professor of religion, science and technology explains what soul work, shadow and spirituality have to do with today’s fixation on innovation. Bennett tells us, too, about the role Silicon Valley plays in our collective preoccupation with technology — and our growing uncertainty about its goodness.

Bennett's talk is part of the ASU KEDtalks series. Short for Knowledge Enterprise Development talks, KEDtalks aim to spark ideas, indulge curiosity and inspire action by highlighting ASU scientists, humanists, social scientists and artists who are driven to find solutions to the universe’s grandest challenges.

Tune in to to discover how researchers are attacking locust plagues, why baby steps are not the best way to achieve change and more.

Top photo by Andy DeLisle