ASU art history professor invited to share research at UT Austin

ASU art history professor Corine Schleif

Corine Schleif

Corine Schleif, art history professor in the School of Art in Arizona State University's Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts, was invited to visit the University of Texas at Austin to share her research and give a public lecture.

Schleif spoke at a joint seminar of graduate students studying medieval and Renaissance art. She also presented a public lecture on the topic, “What should we do with old monuments? Adam Kraft’s Public Art in the Nuremberg Cityscape.” 

Her visit was scheduled for after the students’ return from a trip to Germany as part of their studies. Schleif teaches medieval and Renaissance art at ASU’s Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts. She has published widely on issues of donation, memory and self-representation, often focusing on German art and particularly on cultural connections and reception of artistic production in late-medieval Nuremberg.